Monday, May 31, 2010

Winner of Giveaway #1: Plum Organics Plum Organics Giveaway

The Winner is Whit L. Congrats. You won $20 in FREE Plum or Revolution Baby/Toddler Food. Out of the two people whom filled out the form. Being my first giveaway, I hope more of you take part in the next one!  But thanks to the 2 beautiful ladies who took the time to fill out the 4 questions!! I hope it was fun. 

Click here to learn more about Plum Organics and Revolution Food.

Enjoy your Plum Organics!!!

The Helpful Sister

Winner of Giveaway #1: Plum OrganicsSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Bumkins Diaper covers on Sale

Bumkins Diaper Covers on Sale!
Check out info on my "Current Hells Bells Sales" page here for more info.

Bumkins Diaper covers on SaleSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend